Renewing skin

Renewing skin


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Swiss Naturals

Cleansing milk (240ml)
Foaming cleanser
Whitening drops (5ml)
Phytoderm whitening mask (30g)

How to Use:

  • Cleanse the face with Swiss Naturals whitens tone Foaming Cleanser for 2 minutes & clean it using a sponge afterward. It is recommended to repeat the process twice for the best results.
  • Apply the Swiss Naturals whitening drops
  • Apply Swiss Naturals Phytoderm botanical mask (whitening). Mix 15gms of powder in 45ml water. Pour water on powder and stir quickly and vigorously for one minute until a homogenous paste is formed. Apply the paste with a brush or fingers on the face within 3 to 5 minutes. Remove by peeling it off in one piece.
  • Clean your face with Swiss Naturals cleansing milk. Use a cotton swab. Apply freely on the face and throat, and give gentle movement to remove makeup and grime.